Can GPR tell whether an electrical service is active or not?
GPR does not register electrical current, however some GPR units do have EMF (electro motive force) detectors built into the search head of the GPR antenna. Two important factors must be understood about these detectors. 1: the circuit being surveyed must be “Alive” (active) and 2: the circuit must have sufficient load using the electricity to produce a magnetic field strong enough to be detected. Numerous problems are associated with this. The magnetic field produced by live cables has the ability to jump onto metal objects such as reinforcing causing the reinforcing to emit the same frequency as the electrical service, creating confusion as to what is service or reinforcing. Weak EMF signals can be shielded by reinforcing making them undetectable. These inbuilt EMF detectors only register mains voltage. Video, voice, data or fire services etc. cannot be detected.